Welcome to our Ministry website
This ministry was known by the name - Charismatic Crusades International - Pakistan.
Please visit the new website of our Church:
Grace Bible Church of Pakistan
Bishop Salamat Khokhar is visiting USA on an evangelistic visit in May - June, 04 where various churches have invited him to preach.
Glory To God We have organized the most succesful Christian events (Crusades, Conferences) in Pakistan. If you want to have him preach/share/conduct healing service at your Church.. Please email at: gbcpk@hotmail.com
We have been given an award for THE BEST CRUSADES ORGNIZERS.
Rt. Rev. Salamat Khokhar is also the Chairman of All Pakistan Council of Churches... Glory to God Rt. Rev. Salamat Khokhar has been ordained as the Bishop of Grace Bible Church of Pakistan.
If you are an Evangelist/Pastor and you wish to come to Pakistan for ministry, we shall be happy to arrange Crusades/Leadership Conference for you.
In the recent American Evangelistic visit of Bishop Salamat Khokhar hundereds of people made commitment to walk with the Lord. Various people were healed of their physical diseases. It was really succesful visit.. Glory to God.
Dear Friends:
Charismatic Evangelistic Ministries International is an independent Christ centered Evangelistic, Healing and Intercessory ministry.
I never ever claim to be a Healer.... Only Jesus heals and I am his servant and just an instrument. However, people with Demons, Cancer, Blood Cancer, Diabetes, Hepatitis B, C and other incurable diseases have been healed by God through this ministry around the World. Glory to God., Bishop Salamat Khokhar
Our Activities
- Free Bible distribution - Evangelistic and Healing Crusades, Seminars, Conferences and Home Church meetings -Adult Literacy Centres -as the literacy rate is very, very low in Pakistan - Bible Study Centers, especially, for the illiterates. - Translation of Christian Books, Tracts in different languages to spread the Gospel of Salvation to the masses. - All night prayer meetings - Discipleship Training Church Planting - Praise God we have planted 60 churches just in last 24 months in areas where there was no Church
Our Future Projects
RADIO MINISTRY - This would be a Vital tool to reach to the Unreachable people. There are many regions and people groups which can not be reached through the traditional preaching methods.
Please help us with your TAX DEDUCTIBLE CONTRIBUTIONS to spread the Word of God through this ministry. Click Here for details
Start of Bible Training College to raise men and women for the Lord's Harvest
Start of Audio Visual & Prison Ministries
Publication of a Magazine"Fruitful Life" stressing on how we can live a fruitful life for our Lord.
Christian Resource Centre
We Need Volunteers !
Please send an email at: charismacrusades@yahoo.com |
Nothing Is Impossible With God
Send us your prayer requests Our dedicated Prayer Warriors shall pray for your burden. God has every power to change your circumstances. So just believe in Jesus for your breakthrough.
We have seen signs and wonders in every situation of life and people are healed, delivered and reconciled.
You may join our mailing list or our Intercessory prayer team.. Send us an email
Jesus is 100% trustworthy 100% of the time.
Send an email
God Bless You and All Yours
Thanks for visiting this page.
This is our strongest desire that You experience the Mighty Hand of the Lord working in your life.
Please do come again
We have difficutly to access this website/server in Pakistan, so this is not updated as we wish to. Soon we shall launch another ministry website.

A View of the Crowd
The picture was taken at the "Karachi Conference Of Revival & Evangelism"
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